When you make any purchase, you’re subconsciously making a decision: Should I pay more now or pay more later? Let me explain. Cheap products are often attractive because they cost less, but we all have had the experience of something inexpensive costing more in the long run. 

As they say, you get what you pay for.

That cheap piece of furniture falls apart after a couple of years. Those cheap shoes start to deteriorate, and that cheap food leaves you feeling unwell.

At other times, though, going cheap makes sense. I don’t know about you, but I always buy the store brand of acetaminophen instead of Tylenol. I have no issue with cheap towels that will only last a season.

As consumers, we make choices based on price all the time. 

If you’re looking to modernize your manufacturing facility, price is likely at the top of your list of purchase criteria. 

How do you know when to spring for the more expensive option that’s likely to last longer — and when should you settle for a budget-friendly option that’s just as good?

Here at HESCO, we’ve spent 85 years helping companies successfully automate their facilities, and we’ve seen it all.  

We’ve developed what we call a “hierarchy of industrial automation” to help you evaluate what you’re paying for and what you’re getting with every purchase. 

Let’s look at what you should know to get exactly what you need. 

What is Industrial Automation & Why Is It Important 

Industrial automation, in its simplest terms, involves transforming manual processes traditionally performed by people into automated processes using electronic and smart devices. 

One of the main advantages of industrial automation is its ability to increase production capacity. Modernizing your facility enables you to produce thousands of products, whereas previously you may have only been able to produce hundreds. This boost in productivity impacts your supply output, ultimately influencing your company’s profitability within any given timeframe. 

It is important to note that industrial automation does not entail replacing your entire workforce with machines. Humans still play a vital role in the production on the floor, guiding products down the line. However, automation helps eliminate the variability of the human element.  

Repetitive tasks humans complete can cause some lackadaisicalness and inconsistency. By assigning these tasks to machines, you can enhance productivity and ensure more consistent output. 

In today’s competitive market, automation in your facility is not just beneficial but essential. To meet ever-increasing demand, maintaining consistent productivity is crucial, and this consistency is driven by industrial automation. 

Are All Industrial Automation Brands the Same? 

Industrial automation is important and necessary. But there are a variety of manufacturers for automation products – are they all the same? Do the quality and prices of the products differ? 

Like with anything else, industrial automation products can be high-end or low-end. While they all serve basic functions, their build quality and longevity can vary significantly. 


When considering automation for your facility, it’s essential to recognize the hierarchy of brands, from high-end to low-end.

Opting for high-end products means easier integration, better quality, longer lifespan, enhanced efficiency, and superior customer support. Lower-end products may lack the variety and advanced features of high-end brands, limiting your ability to expand your automation system. 

Choosing higher-end brands has the potential to enhance your overall experience. For instance, if you’re purchasing a PLC, selecting a brand at the upper end of your price range could benefit you due to better quality. However, if you are in the market for a basic PLC that does not have the additional functionalities or power that the more expensive PLC has, a less expensive option could be a better fit for you.  


As quality varies, so does price. When investing in industrial automation equipment, you likely have a budget in mind. Evaluating the pros and cons of each brand helps in making an informed decision. 

Higher-end products come with a higher level of support, reflecting their superior quality and capabilities. However, opting for a cheaper brand might lead to increased costs for replacements and repairs. The lower-end products often lack the durability and advanced features of high-end solutions. 

It’s crucial to explore all your options. Not every brand is the same, and differences in quality and price can help distinguish one from another. Ultimately, if you’re looking for a long-lasting product that enhances profitability, investing in a high-end brand is advisable. 

The Hierarchy of Industrial Automation 

Now you know that there are different types of brands in the industrial automation world. Some are better than others, but all can achieve your goal of automating your facility. Let’s get into who these brands are and why they are considered “better” brands.  

Top Tier Solutions: 

Allen Bradley by Rockwell Automation and Siemens: 

  • Market Presence: These companies are the leaders in the industrial automation industry. Allen Bradley has a strong presence in North America, while Siemens is dominant in Europe. 
  • Advanced Technology: Both brands offer high-end products equipped with sophisticated technology and robust software, enabling deeper integration and higher performance. 
  • Reliability and Support: Their long-standing market presence ensures a reliable product with comprehensive support networks. This reliability and support infrastructure is a significant reason why companies are willing to pay a premium for their solutions. Both companies have been trusted in the industry for 100+ years, so the. 
  • Scalability: High-end solutions from these brands provide scalability, allowing you to expand your automation capabilities as needed. 

Mid-Tier / Lower Tier Solutions: 

Automation Direct: 

  • Cost-Effective: Automation Direct offers lower-cost, simpler automation solutions. These are suitable for basic functionalities and do not require expert knowledge to implement. 
  • Limitations: While cost-effective, these solutions come with limitations in terms of scalability and advanced features. They are ideal for straightforward, less complex automation needs. 
  • Support: Since Automation Direct is a global company, they do not provide the same on-hand support you get from brands like Rockwell Automation or Siemens. They do not have local distributors, so getting into contact for hands-on experience is less likely. 

Omron Industrial Automation: 

  • User-Friendly Products: Omron offers products that are generally designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive interfaces and easy-to-use software. This reduces the learning curve for operators and engineers. 
  • Global Reach: Omron has a global reach. Because of this, their on-hand support and presence are not as extensive as the local support you can get from high-tier brands, like Rockwell and Siemens. They also do not have local distributors, so you have to call their hotline for support. 

As expected, Rockwell Automation and Siemens will be more expensive, but provide more capabilities. Automation Direct and Omron, though cost-effective, do have limitations.  

Every facility is going to be different.  

Think about a soccer mom in the market to buy a car. With the soccer equipment, the kids, and the safety of ensuring everyone has a car seat, she is going to likely purchase a minivan or SUV that includes safety features and a large trunk. She is not going to purchase a Corvette – even though it can get her from Point A to Point B quicker, it is not a practical vehicle.  

The above scenario also applies to automation: avoid over-purchasing. Going overboard can create an enormous expense that in most cases is not needed. If you know you only need a PLC, start there, and then expand as necessary. 

Moving Forward with Industrial Automation 

In the realm of industrial automation, the term “you get what you pay for” holds true. While there are cost-effective options for basic needs, investing in high-end solutions from reputable brands like Rockwell Automation and Siemens offers unparalleled reliability, advanced features, and a solid support structure, making them the preferred choice for businesses looking to achieve superior automation performance and scalability. 

At HESCO, we partner with Rockwell Automation as their sole distributor in Connecticut. While we recommend Rockwell Automation for its positive impact on your facility, Siemens also offers a comparable experience. 

But, if you are looking for an easy and less expensive way to purchase your products online, Automation Direct or Omron may be the suitable option for you. 

Automating your facility can be complex. We recommend starting with a local distributor for an on-site visit to determine your needs. Carefully weigh your options and consider pricing before purchasing to ensure your decision positively impacts your facility’s profitability.