Look around your office building. You likely see an exit sign, a fire alarm manual pull station, and a fire extinguisher. Right there, you can name three pieces of safety equipment that surround you at all times. 

Now, think about your car. It has a seatbelt to wear and airbags that deploy during a collision. 

Wherever you go, whether in a building or a vehicle, safety measures are in place to ensure that you are not in harm’s way. The same is true for manufacturing facilities. 

Each facility contains large and small machines that can pose risks to the employees who work alongside them daily.

Just as we rely on safety measures for fires or collisions, machines in manufacturing facilities need safety measures to prevent mistakes or accidents. 

Source: Simplified Safety 

At HESCO, we’ve helped thousands of manufacturers keep their facilities safe, so we know a thing or two about best practices. In this article, we’ll dive into the importance of safety equipment in your manufacturing facility and what resources are readily available to you.

What Exactly is Safety Equipment in Manufacturing?

With the growing emphasis on safety in our daily tasks, ensuring that your manufacturing facility is fully equipped is essential. But, what exactly constitutes safety equipment in manufacturing facilities?

Safety equipment, in manufacturing, are devices that are used on machines or throughout facilities that protect employees from power failures, potential injuries, and more. 

Source: Rockwell Automation

Protecting your employees from harm must be  a critical aspect of your manufacturing facility. Employees work alongside machines all day to get the job done, and it’s crucial to ensure they go home safely at the end of the day. Additionally, incorporating safety features on your equipment can boost productivity. According to Rockwell Automation, companies that invest in safety have less than half the injury rate of average performers.

So, if you are already investing in a machine for your facility, you also need to invest in safety equipment. 

While the primary benefit of such equipment is the safety of your employees, there is a corollary benefit as well: it increases the lifespan of your equipment by taking away the risk of hazardous materials and situations

But, how do you know what kind of safety equipment to invest in? This is where Rockwell’s Safety Assessment comes in.

Rockwell’s Safety Assessment

If you are unsure of what products you need to maximize the safety in your facility, or if your machinery already has safety products, Rockwell Automation’s Safety Assessment can be an excellent resource to help you. 

What is the Rockwell Automation Safety Assessment?

The Rockwell Automation Safety Assessment is a service where a team from Rockwell comes to your site to evaluate your machinery to ensure proper safety equipment is installed and utilized correctly. The assessment determines where potential hazards are and what can be used to eliminate or reduce those hazards. 

Depending on the size of the machine, or the quantity of machines being assessed, this usually takes about one day. After the assessment is performed, you will receive a remediation report telling you what needs to be done to meet the safety requirements desired. 

Rockwell’s Safety Assessment can prevent injuries from happening in your facility and uncover potentially dangerous operations before OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) is called. 

What is the Price of a Rockwell Safety Assessment?

The assessment cost varies based on the level of service and the amount of equipment to be assessed. Safety Assessments start at $5,000, with the price increasing based on the size and quantity of the equipment.

Next Steps: Seek Guidance

Once you understand the importance of safety equipment in any manufacturing facility, it’s time to assess your own facility’s needs.

Seeking guidance is a crucial first step. You can contact us today to find out how we can help you navigate safety equipment options and identify the best solutions for your facility.